Who we are
Are you fascinated by the Movie, TV, and Sports industries? We work with the largest movie studios, exhibitors, and streaming companies, promoting their latest releases and reaching millions of movie fans in over 140 countries.
JustWatch is the world’s largest global streaming guide, with 50 million monthly active users and unparalleled insights into audience behaviors and content tastes. We deliver on-platform native advertising campaigns for global media brands, via our “Sponsored Recommendations” format, connecting our entertainment power user audience to our entertainment clients. From the biggest blockbusters to award-winning shows and major sporting events.
JustWatch was founded in 2014 and has teams in Berlin, LA, London, Paris, Rome, Milan, Munich, and Dubai. We are truly international: The team comprises over 200 people with 46 nationalities, covering all important entertainment markets and languages.
Who we need
We are looking for an entrepreneurial and driven Senior Sales Manager - Native Advertising in Sydney or Melbourne to lead our local on-platform native advertising media sales operations and establish JustWatch with studios, streaming services, and media agencies.
We need a proactive and resilient sales lead with a proven track record in closing within the entertainment industry. The ideal candidate has a strong local network of industry contacts and can identify opportunities and craft innovative partnership proposals for advertisers.